Monday, November 10, 2014

22 and Counting!

Yes! In 22 weeks I will be at starting line of Florida 70.3 Haines City. But lots of work must be done in the next 22 weeks. Every workout counts, every rest day count as well. Now is when I see more two a day training, mileage is increasing. Some days been feeling stressed about how to squeeze so much workout, when to do it when my body feels so tired or when kids schedule is very busy. There are days that the mind is not in tune at ALL! And all I want to do is quit. But I have few constant reminders: “Arlene, you really wanted this”, “You have to finish that race”, “Tomorrow's workout will be better”, “This is just a bad week”, “Do the damn workout!”. I have to say that the mind is very tricky.

Week 23 was very solid workout week. Was able to finish all my workouts, ending with last long run yesterday that almost ended crawling. At the same time I have been feeling how the body is changing and adjusting to workout volume. I don't know what it is, if eating better, able to push every mile or a combination of both. Day after all of those hard workouts I feel so sore but for some reason another training comes and I feel the energy to do exactly what training asks. Now is when all the dots are starting to connect...finally!

Some things does not change, I enjoy so much my swimming, the bike is ok and must get out more often (doing must of it on trainer) and the run still slow but steady.

Must keep focus and keep moving forward, hard sometimes but able to fight the mind.

What keeps you motivated?

All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.”~Michael John Bobak